- 包材 packing materials
- 原材 live wood
- 棒材 steel bar
- 递延利率确定法,延期利率确定法 (简写为DRS)指锁住国库券基价的利差,以此确定今后几个月的利率的方法。亦见anticipatory rate setting deferred rate setting - DRS: Method of locking in a spread over a Treasury Benchmark while distributing the rate fixing over several months.
- 卷材 coiled material
- 递延利率确定法,延期利率确定法(简写为DRS)指锁住国库券基价的利差,以此确定今后几个月的利率的方法。亦见anticipatory rate setting Deferred rate setting - DRS: Method of locking in a spread over a Treasury benchmark while distributing the rate fixing over several months.
- 母材 mother plate
- 片材 sheet
- 大材小用 give an able person a small job
- 带材 strip steel rolled stock
- 资材部 Procurement Department
- 锯材 sawn goods
- 底材 ground(ing)
- 靶材 target
- 防水卷材 waterproof roll
- 中材 person of average ability; mediocre
- 芯材 core
- 真材实料 real thing
- 在30英寸印刷机上印刷名片简直是大材小用,得不偿失。 Printing business cards on a thirty-inch press is using a sledgehammer to crack a nut.
- 视觉辅材 visual aids