- 目的 探讨容积对比成像 (Volume Contrast Imaging,VCI) - C平面及三维超声重建对胎儿显性脊柱裂的临床应用价值。 Objective To explore the value of volume contrast imaging C plane(VCI-C)and 3D ultrasonic(3-D US) reconstruction in the diagnosis of congenital spina bifida manifesta(SBM) in fetuses.
- [+subject,theme] 不断地致力于某事 to hammer away at sth
- 67例病人中,25例怀疑动脉阻塞,采用2D TOFMRA进行检查,其中8例行动态增强MRA(dynamic contrast enhanced MRA,DCE-MRA)检查; 25 patients suspended arterial diseases had been performed 2D TOFMRA, and eight of these people had been performed DCE-MRA (dynamic contrast enhanced MRA) .
- [+work,thought,subject] 沉浸于某事之中 to immerse o.s. in sth
- 图象增强光电摄象管 image amplifier iconoscope
- RFC 2822需要在Subject:头字段和邮件正文间留一个空行。 RFC 2822 requires a blank line between the Subject: header field and the message body.
- 调养摄生 To nurse and recuperate oneself
- citizen 和subject二词均指享有国家给予的权利(如选举权)的人. Citizen and subject both indicate a person who has the rights given by a state to its members,eg the right to vote.
- 推摄特写镜头 to dolly in for a close-up
- 在subject字符串中搜索与pattern给出的正则表达式相匹配的内容。 Searches subject for a match to the regular expression given in pattern.
- 荷兰跳摄角度 Dutch tilt angle
- 如果运行该包,则每次重复循环时,都会用一个文件名更新Subject属性。 When the package runs, the Subject property is updated with the name of a file each time that the loop repeats.
- 拉摄 Backward take
- 有关使用subject或content过滤器的信息,请参见使用主题和内容过滤器。 For information about using the subject or content filters, see Using subject and content filters.
- 航天器轨道摄动 orbit perturbation of spacecraft
- 补肾摄精 invigorating kidney for protecting semen
- 摄磷 Uptake of phosphours forms
- 数字资产如果通过消息平台发送就会出现冲突,因为软件混淆了两个词汇表中的subject和date标签。 Conflicts arise when a digital asset is sent through the messaging platform because the messaging software confuses the subject and date tags in the two vocabularies.
- 蟹摄 Xie
- 航摄 aerophotogrammetry