- 买书画买了假的,一文不值,只等于waste paper。 If you buy calligraphy or paintings which turn out to be fakes, they aren't worth a cent.They just amount to wastepaper
- 实际上,纸这个词(paper)就是由纸莎草"Papyrus"引伸而来。 The word paper, in fact, is derived from the word papyrus.
- 图象增强光电摄象管 image amplifier iconoscope
- 实际上,纸这个词(paper)就是由纸莎草"papyrus"引伸而来。 The word paper, in fact, is derived from the word papyrus
- 调养摄生 To nurse and recuperate oneself
- 推摄特写镜头 to dolly in for a close-up
- 这些变化背重新整理,与Standard Catalog of World Paper Money完全不同 These variations have been completely reorganized, and is completely different from that in Standard Catalog of World Paper Money
- 荷兰跳摄角度 Dutch tilt angle
- 拉摄 Backward take
- 从信息论的角度来说,广播信道的容量极限可以由一种称为dirty-paper coding (DPC)技术来达到。 From information theoretical considerations, the capacity region of a broadcast channel is achieved with the dirty-paper coding (DPC) technique.
- 航天器轨道摄动 orbit perturbation of spacecraft
- 两个最重要的要求是,规定了咨询委员会成员的资格条件,并建立文档(paper trail)来解释委员会的决定。 Two of the most important requirements establish qualifications for membership on an advisory committee and create a "paper trail"of documents to explain a committee's decision.
- 补肾摄精 invigorating kidney for protecting semen
- 摄磷 Uptake of phosphours forms
- 蟹摄 Xie
- 航摄 aerophotogrammetry
- 摄护腺 The prostate gland
- 摄彩 photography
- 梗摄 Geng
- 格摄 Geshe