- 图象增强光电摄象管 image amplifier iconoscope
- 你说"machine"?还是"machine"? Do you say "machine" or "machine" ?
- 调养摄生 To nurse and recuperate oneself
- CO2 laser cutting and carving machine tool 二氧化碳激光切割及雕刻机床
- 推摄特写镜头 to dolly in for a close-up
- 直立钻床,亦称drilling machine,可在硬物质上钻孔的装置。 "Drill press: or drilling machine, Machine tool for producing holes in hard substances."
- 荷兰跳摄角度 Dutch tilt angle
- 试比较machine、 tool等词. Compare machine, tool, etc.
- 拉摄 Backward take
- 航天器轨道摄动 orbit perturbation of spacecraft
- 补肾摄精 invigorating kidney for protecting semen
- 摄磷 Uptake of phosphours forms
- 蟹摄 Xie
- 航摄 aerophotogrammetry
- 摄护腺 The prostate gland
- 摄彩 photography
- 梗摄 Geng
- 格摄 Geshe
- 流摄 Liushe
- 摄远 telephoto