- α-carbon atom α碳原子
- β-lactam carbon β-内酰胺碳(基)
- F-tablet F-tablet
- Carbon/Epoxy复合材料 Carbon/Epoxy composite
- F-Tablet平台 F-Tablet platform
- 图象增强光电摄象管 image amplifier iconoscope
- carbon mark (玻璃制品缺陷) 碳迹
- 调养摄生 To nurse and recuperate oneself
- Tablet PC附带的笔。 The pen that came with your Tablet PC.
- F_Tablet手写平台 Forces
- 推摄特写镜头 to dolly in for a close-up
- 在Mac OS X,REALbasic应用程序使用原生的Carbon用户界面控件。 On Mac OS X, REALbasic applications use native Carbon user interface controls.
- 荷兰跳摄角度 Dutch tilt angle
- Tablet PC上的当前屏幕方向 The current screen orientation on a Tablet PC
- 拉摄 Backward take
- 内源性一氧化碳(carbon monoxide,CO)是另一种重要的气体信号分子。 Endogenous carbon monoxide (CO) is another important gaseous signal molecule.
- 个性化Tablet PC上的手写识别 Personalize handwriting recognition on a Tablet PC
- 航天器轨道摄动 orbit perturbation of spacecraft
- 一氧化碳(carbon monoxide,CO)中毒是当今发生率和死亡率最高的中毒。 Carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning is a venenation with high incidence rate and mortality rate.
- 术语智能设备不涵盖Tablet PC。 The term smart device does not include Tablet PC s.