- (=brightness modulation unit) 辉度调节单位(超声心动图) B-mode u.
- 有了这两个表征的有机整合,就可以为解决“物体恒常(object constancy)”和“类别识别(cognition at multiple categorical levels)”这两大热点问题提供有效的依据。 We can deal with various cognition objects, tasks, environment, for we have the multiple representation, which is an effective resolvent for the "object constancy" and the "cognition at multiple categorical levels".
- 图象增强光电摄象管 image amplifier iconoscope
- 调养摄生 To nurse and recuperate oneself
- 推摄特写镜头 to dolly in for a close-up
- 荷兰跳摄角度 Dutch tilt angle
- 拉摄 Backward take
- 航天器轨道摄动 orbit perturbation of spacecraft
- 补肾摄精 invigorating kidney for protecting semen
- 摄磷 Uptake of phosphours forms
- 蟹摄 Xie
- 航摄 aerophotogrammetry
- 摄护腺 The prostate gland
- 摄彩 photography
- 梗摄 Geng
- 格摄 Geshe
- 流摄 Liushe
- 摄远 telephoto
- 山摄 Shan She
- 果摄 Shanbei Jin dialect