- 房 house
- 租房 tenement
- cubing machine (饲料) 制粒机
- 双人房 double room
- 为了提高Frag-Cubig算法的效率,本文提出了基于分片思想的算法CBFrag-Cubing。 In order to enhance efficiency of Frag-Cubing algorithm, a partition-based CBFrag-Cubing algorithm is proposed.
- 退房 check out
- 包房 passenger compartment
- 房贷 housing loan
- 房车 car as a house
- 同房 of the same branch of a family
- 房型 house type
- 二手房 second-hand house
- 经济适用房 economically affordable housing
- 订房 book rooms
- 板房 board house
- 暗房 darkroom
- 房奴 home mortgage slave
- 裙房 annex
- 廉租房 low-rent housing
- 停尸房 morgue