- 忍心 (v) be emotionally willing to do sth
- 心动 aroused in interest
- 变心 cease to be faithful
- IDEA data envelopment analysis (DEA)
- 不开心 bile
- IDEA算法 IDEA algorithm
- [person,flight,departure etc+] 被耽搁了 to be delayed
- 心如刀割 grief-stricken
- 混合IDEA模型 mixed DEA model
- VFR(缩自visual flight rules) between layers 云层间目视飞行
- 回心转意 change one's mind
- idea/expression idea/expression dichotomy
- 心内的 endocardiac
- 带有偏好的IDEA interval DEA with preference
- 随心 follow one's inclinations
- [+idea,attitude] 赞同 to have sympathy with
- 心率 cardiac rate
- [idea,plan etc+] 成形 to take shape
- 心痛的 aching
- [activity,idea+] 与某物一致 to be compatible with sth