- TAX蛋白 TAX protein
- 天才靠勤奋。(注:用gift或genius则不当) Talent depends upon industry.
- [gift,money+] 专门用于某人/某事 to be intended for sb/sth
- 结合律 associative law
- 该杂志用“gift"一词作标题,杂志社的名称中也用了这个词。 The magazine used the word "gift" in its title and as part of its name.
- 平均律 law of averages
- 交换律 commutative law
- 本论文从两个方面分析索尔·贝娄(Saul Bellow,1915-)的长篇小说《洪堡的礼物》(Humboldt’s Gift,1975)。 As a famous American novelist, Saul Bellow is regarded as the inheritor of the place of Hemingway and Faulkner in American literary history.
- 4n律 4n law
- 不过,作者欧?亨利(O. Henry)所著的《麦琪的礼物》(The Gift of the Magi)中的智者指的却是吉姆(Jim)与黛拉(della)。 But the magi in the story The Gift of the Magi by O. Henry are named Jim and Della.
- A-律 A-law
- 律学 study of law
- 艾伦律 Allen's rule
- 二律背反 antinomy
- 气体律 the gas laws
- 安搏律定 aprindine
- 八区律 octant rule
- 由上帝定的律法 laws appointed by God
- 律己 self-restraint
- 倍比律 law of multiple proportions