- 影视 Film and Video
- 术中、术后无发生严重并发症,超薄瓣LASIK组并发症主要为角膜瓣细小条纹和过矫,LASEK组并发症主要为屈光回退和轻微的haze。 There was no severe complications that implicate the BSCVA occurred in-operation and postoperatively. The main complications in LASIK group was corneal flap striae and overcorrection, regression and mild haze in LASEK group.
- 影视文化 screen culture
- 患者一眼行LASEK手术 ,对侧眼行PRK手术 ,术后观察术眼疼痛情况、上皮愈合时间、角膜上皮下雾状混浊 (haze)、术后裸眼视力 6个月。 Postoperative pain,epithelial healing time,manifest refract ion and corneal Haze were examined in PRK- and LASEK- treated eyes.
- 影视制作 production of film and TV
- 影视城 TV & Film City
- LASEK术中并发症主要有上皮瓣剥离困难、破碎、游离、皱褶、局限性缺损等,术后并发症主要有角膜上皮下雾状混浊(Haze)、最佳矫正视力下降、屈光度回退、眩光、上皮瓣溶解等。 · RESULTS: Major complications during the LASEK included: detachment difficulty , fragment, free, fold of epithelial-flap and defect flap. Post-operative compli cations included corneal haze, best corrected visual acuity falling, dioptre rec ede, glare, epithelial-flap dissolution, etc.
- 我弟弟一直想当个影视摄影师。 My younger brother has always wanted to be a cameraman.
- 她是舞台影视三栖明星。 She is a star of stage, screen and video.
- 影视艺术美学 Aesthetics of Film-Video Arts
- 砂石遍布的巴黎市郊同样分享到了戛纳电影节的影视盛宴。 The gritty suburbs of Paris are getting a taste of the glamorous Cannes Film Festival.
- 我从事影视工作。 I work for both the big and the small screen.
- 影视影像转换 film-video image transform
- 闭路影视 corporate video
- 影视美学 Movies & TV Aesthetics
- 影视精品鉴赏 Appreciation of Film-Video
- 语影视 English Movies & TV
- 影视译配 Film TV translating and dubbing
- 影视金曲 Film and television Jin Qu
- 影视艺术 The Art of the Film and TV