- 数学建模 Mathematical Modeling
- 建站 build a station
- "house"是"mouse"的同韵字。 "House" is a rhyme for "mouse".
- 再建 reconstruction
- 自建 self-built
- 这座Creak house, And The Creaky House
- 地点在Creaky house。 at The Creaky House.
- 学习英语就象建房子,打下扎实的基础是最基本也是最重要的一步。 Learning English is like building a house, laying a strong foundation is the first and most important step.
- [house etc+] 被烧光 to go up in smoke
- 建校 for school building
- haus 和 house 是同源词。 'Haus' and 'house' are cognates.
- 内建 built-in
- 然后顺着wall爬到house顶上去, I can climb up the wall.
- 开建 build
- "house是""mouse""的同韵字。" "House is a rhyme for ""mouse""."
- “house”与“mouse”同韵。 " House" rhymes with" mouse" .
- 内建的 build-up
- 我们得想办法go into the house, This is the thief's house.
- 建在 build
- 建起 build up