- 请使用全双工声卡,或者卸载Microsoft Office语音识别。 Either use a full-duplex sound card, or uninstall Microsoft Office speech recognition.
- 声 noise
- induction moisture meter for textile (美) 纺织品电感测湿仪
- 大声 loudly
- law of electromagnetic induction (法拉第定律) 电磁感应定律
- 有声读物 talking book
- low-frequency induction furnace (50-180赫兹) 低频感应电炉
- 原声 original sound
- Dotfuscator采用了称为Overload-Induction的方法重命名专利技术。 Overload-Induction Method Renaming Dotfuscator implements patented technology for method renaming called Overload-Induction.
- 声卡 sound card
- 有声 sound
- 出声 phonate
- 音乐之声 The Sound of Music - 1965
- 美声 Western style of singing
- 不出声 save one's breath
- 笛声 piping
- 消声 noise elimination
- 声控 acoustic control
- 隔声 sound insulation
- 尖叫声 screech