- CO2 recorder 二氧化碳记录仪
- 电子化测量健康相关生命质量的软件QL-Recorder Electronic Measurement of Health-Related Quality of Life with Software QL-Recorder
- 管子工是安装和修理水管的人。 A plumber is a person who fits and mends the plumbing.
- 她成了该厂最好的缝纫工。 She became the best sewer in the factory.
- 861(20)号决议案及我国交通部海事局的有关规定,要求国际航行及沿海航行船舶均应安装船载航行数据记录仪(Voyage Data Recorder缩写VDR)。 861(20) proposal of the IMO and related provisions of our ministry of communications, the ships sailing on the international or coastal courses are required to install Voyage Data Recorder (VDR).
- 厨工 kitchen worker; kitchen hands
- 运输工 haulageman
- 光学图象由图象传感器传感而转换成电信号并由电缆传输到摄象机控制单元. 然后它们被转换成NTSC视频信号,因此,图象能在电视荧光屏上显示或由VCR(Vidio Cassette Recorder)记录. Optical images perceived by the image sensor are turned into electronic signals and carried through a cable to the camera control unit,They are then converted into NTSC video signals,so that the images can be monitored on a television screen or recorded by VCR.
- 他是个见习机械工。 He was a mechanic who was on probation.
- 这位印刷工把这额外的一页加在这里。 The printer can set this additional page in here.
- 身材矮胖的管子工 a stockily built plumber
- 砌砖工 brickmason
- 放样工 mould loftsman
- 油漆工用白色调淡颜色。 The painter lightened the color with white.
- 变工况 varying duty
- 他找到了一份机修工的工作。 He found employment as a mechanic.
- 他担任装货工。 He works as a loader.
- 工休 holiday
- 管子工对管道做了仔细的检查。 The plumber made a careful check of the pipes.
- 我们已经招收了100名机器操作工。 We have signed on a hundred machine operators.