- 攀岩 rock climbing
- 岩性 lithology
- 围岩 wall rock
- 在上表中列出的大多数列(Illustration表中的Diagram列除外)都是类型化的xml列。 Most of the columns listed in the previous table, except the Diagram column in the Illustration table, are typed xml columns.
- Illustration表的Diagram列将关系图存储为XML关系图,并说明如何执行特定的生产任务。 The Diagram column of the Illustration table stores diagrams as XML diagrams and shows how a specific manufacturing task is performed.
- 岩土工程 Geotechnical Engineering
- 珍珠岩 perlite
- 本文所研究的事件序列图(Event Sequence Diagram,ESD)即是一个具有广阔工程应用前景的分析方法。 The Event Sequence Diagram (BSD) studied in the paper is such a method that has a broad future in engineering applications.
- 灰岩 limestone
- 介绍了涉及集合笛卡儿积(Cartesian product)的运算性质讨论的一种类似于文氏图(Venn diagram)的方法. This paper introduce the method which deals the operate nature of set with Cartesian product, and it is similar to Venn diagraph in set theory.
- 白云岩 dolostone
- 岩体 rock mass
- 失效评定图(Failure Assessment Diagram,FAD)方法是进行管道ECA评估非常有效的方法,该方法是英国中央电力局(CEGB)首先提出的。 The failure assessment diagram (FAD) method is very effective to the EGA of the pipelines.
- 碳酸盐岩 carbonatite
- 岩相 lithofacies
- 岩屑 rock debris
- 闪长岩 diorite
- 石英岩 quartzite
- 碎屑岩 clasolite
- 泥灰岩 marlite