- 地质 geology
- 中国地质大学 China University of Geosciences
- (=Empirin compound) 安匹林复合物 Emp comp.
- 地质勘探 geological exploration
- fault wall (断层盘) 断盘
- 地质的 geological
- Is it a simple or a compound (或complex) sentence? What kind of sentence is this according to its structure?
- OOS-FAULT = 由 RCS 失败引起的状态。 OOS-FAULT = the state that results from an RCS failure.
- 地质构造 geologic(al) structure
- 利用3D NMR技术测定了PCAF BRD/compound 2-2复合物三维结构。 The interaction between compound 2-2 and the PCAF BRD was disclosed clearly by the 3D structure of PCAF BRD/compound 2-2 complex determined by NMR.
- 6.4 对SOAP fault的支持 6.4 Support for SOAP Fault
- 地质灾害 geologic hazard
- San Andreas fault (美国) 圣安德列斯断层
- 工程地质 engineering geology
- high-angle fault (高角度断层) 陡倾断层
- 地质条件 geological condition
- 水文地质 hydrologic(al) geology
- fault subsidence basin (断层盆地) 断陷盆地
- 有信令链路运行在该 DS1 上的所有 RCS 会过渡到 OOS-FAULT。 Any RCS that has signaling links that are running on that DS1 transitions to OOS-FAULT.
- 地质勘查 geologic(al) exploration