- 地质 geology
- 作为高炉替代工艺,奥地利Voest-Alpine Industrie anlagenbau已开发了COREX工艺。 COREX process has been developed by Voest-Alpine Industrieanlagenbau, austria, as an alternative to Blast Furnace.
- 此建设项目由Alpine Bau Deutschland GmbH与瑞士建筑师Herzog和de Meuron合作进行。 This new construction project is being carried out by Alpine Bau Deutschland GmbH in cooperation with the Swiss architects Herzog and de Meuron.
- 中国地质大学 China University of Geosciences
- 地质勘探 geological exploration
- (=cycle) 周期,循环 cyc.
- 地质的 geological
- 光纤级P-Cycle fiber-level P-Cycle
- 地质构造 geologic(al) structure
- Bruckner cycle 勃吕克纳循环
- 地质灾害 geologic hazard
- Cycle-Spinning Cycle-Spinning
- 工程地质 engineering geology
- uni-cycle (玩具) 独轮车
- 地质条件 geological condition
- γ-glutamyl cycle γ-谷氨酰循环
- 水文地质 hydrologic(al) geology
- Krebs cycle 克雷布氏循环
- α-glycerophosphate cycle α-甘油磷酸循环
- 地质勘查 geologic(al) exploration