- 乘以世界变换的4x4 Matrix。 4X4 Matrix that multiplies the world transformation.
- 地物反射 indirect radiation
- 我知道这个牛排其实并不存在,但是当我将它放入口中,Matrix会告诉我的大脑它是美味多汁的。 You know, I know that this steak doesn't exist. I know when I put it in my mouth, the Matrix is telling my brain that it is juicy and delicious.
- 小地物 small feature
- 地物波谱学 Spectral Analysis ?
- Matrix类提供了几种构建复合变换的方法:Multiply、Rotate、RotateAt、Scale、Shear和Translate。 The Matrix class provides several methods for building a composite transformation: Multiply, Rotate, RotateAt, Scale, Shear, and Translate.
- 第四章研究多波段图像融合分类技术,设计了地物属性库。 The fourth chapter talks about classification technology used in image fusion.
- 细胞外基质(extracellular matrix ECM)合成和降解失衡,造成大量积聚是引起肾间质纤维化的主要原因。 The accumulation of extracellular matrix (ECM) resulting from the unbalance of synthesis and degradation is the main cause of TIF.
- 地物杂波 Surface clutter
- 本文介绍了一个同时利用词语和义项来索引和检索文档的信息检索模型,称为“义项矩阵模型”SMM(Sense Matrix Model). This paper presents a brief introduction of the Sense Matrix Model(SMM),which employs a matrixrepresentation of text for information retrieval.
- 地物干扰 clutter
- 面状地物 area element
- 圆形地物 circular culture object
- 地物回波 radar clutter
- 地物图像 cartographic feature
- 地物查询 feature query
- 地物诉讼 actions real; actions real
- 地物模型 geometric objects
- 地物匹配 ground object matcbing
- 地物目标 ground object target