- 原物 protoplast
- Bohr效应 Bohr effect
- Bohr效应减少 Decreased Bohr effect
- RADIUS协议 RADIUS protocol
- Bohr效应增加 Increased Bohr effect
- RADIUS认证 RADIUS athentication
- 周期型的Bohr不等式 Bohr Inequality of Periodic Type
- RADIUS服务器 RADIUS server
- 创造新的事物而不影响原物的大小 spin off
- Bohrs theory 玻尔氏原理
- 逼真地复制原物 to hit a likeness
- 非周期型的Bohr不等式 Bohr Inequality of Non-periodic Type
- RADIUS用户认证 RADIUS user-identify
- 病原物 pathogen
- Bohr哈密顿量的新推导(英文) New Derivation for Bohr Hamiltonian
- real radius (齿轮) 实际半径
- 植物病害病原物 plant pathogen
- 关于Bohr不等式的推广及其应用 The generalizations of Bohr inequality and it's applications
- 如果把相纸放在显影剂上,相纸上就会出现原物的正像。 If the paper is placed in a photographic developer, a positive image of the original object will appear on the paper.