- 卫浴 bathroom
- a-balanced a-balanced
- (=low calorie(diet)) 低热量(饮食), 低卡(饮食) lo.cal.
- a balanced package (关贸总协定术语) 一揽子均衡守则
- 厨卫 kitchen guarding
- Balanced Big Filter-模与Cousin复形 Balanced Big Filter-Modules and Cousin Complex
- 四分卫 quarterback
- 雅典卫城 Acropolis of Athens
- 经济增加值EVA是英文Economic Value Added的缩写,平衡记分卡BSC是英文Balanced Score Card的缩写。 EVA is the abbreviation for Economic Value Added in English. BSC is the abbreviation for Balanced Score Card in English. Economic value added (EVA) systems and the balanced score card (BSC) have generated a tremendous interest in corporate recently as approaches to performance management, Implementation of these methodologies has not proven to be easy.
- 四分卫做了个要把球传给后卫的假动作,却把球传给了中卫。 The quarterback faked to the fullback and handed off to the halfback.
- 卫浴用品 bath articles
- 侧卫 cornerback
- 四分卫漏接了球。 The quarterback fumbled the ball.
- 卫浴设备 sanitary bath equipment
- 卫气 defensive Qi
- 鼻卫 noseguard
- 《卫报》 The Guardian
- 三边卫进攻阵式 triple wing Back formation
- 班乐卫定理 Painlere theorem
- 她订阅《卫报》 She takes 'The Guardian'. ?o