- column对象 column object
- 化工学士 B.C.E. Bachelor of Chemical Engineering
- Bertins column 贝坦氏柱
- 化工数据库 chemical database
- Clarkes column 背核
- 化工模拟系统 chemical engineering simulation system
- Larimer column (十字形) 工字钢组合柱
- 无机化工催化剂 catalyst for inorganic chemical industry
- view是与column关联的视图。 View is the view with which column is associated.
- 化工防腐蚀电器 chemical corrosion-proof electric apparatus
- column_id列号标识带索引的列。 Column_id The column number identifies which column is indexed.
- 化工/制造厂 a chemical/manufacturing plant
- udt_column_name的公共数据成员。 Is a public data member of udt_column_name.
- 化工园 chemical industrial park
- column_name不限于索引定义中的列。 Column_name is not restricted to the columns in the index definition.
- 化工类 chemical-industry type
- 使用COLUMN WIDTHS子句可指定列的宽度。 The width of the columns can be specified using the COLUMN WIDTHS clause.
- 硫化工 chemistry
- DISTINCT column-name不能在动态SQL中使用。 DISTINCT column-name cannot be used from dynamic SQL.
- 化工煤 coal for chemical industry