- 管道在ipc/pipe.c中实现。 Pipes are implemented in ipc/pipe.c.
- double concave D.Cc.
- Double-RESURF Double-RESURF
- 化工学士 B.C.E. Bachelor of Chemical Engineering
- 在美国好施集团收购Mission Pipe & supply公司后,Felipe成为美国好施集团团队中的一员。在美国好施集团工作的八年来,Felipe从事过司机、仓库管理员和销售人员等工作。 "Felipe became part of the Hirsch team during the Mission Pipe & Supply acquisition. During his eight years of service, Felipe has worked in driver, warehouse and sales positions."
- 利用一个“造型”,double结果会转换回char。 The double result is turned back into a char with a cast.
- 化工数据库 chemical database
- Double-Bagging算法 Double-Bagging algorithm
- 化工模拟系统 chemical engineering simulation system
- (=double vibrations) 双振动 d.v.
- 无机化工催化剂 catalyst for inorganic chemical industry
- Double-Bagging决策树 Double-Bagging decision-making tree
- 化工防腐蚀电器 chemical corrosion-proof electric apparatus
- 化工/制造厂 a chemical/manufacturing plant
- Double指定一笔年金的付款总期数。 Double specifies the total number of payment periods in the annuity.
- 化工园 chemical industrial park
- 一个double类型值,指示数字应乘到的幂。 A double value that indicates the power to which the number should be raised.
- 化工类 chemical-industry type
- EURO和USD类都有针对Double的扩大和收缩转换。 Both the EURO and USD classes have widening and narrowing conversion to and from Double.
- 硫化工 chemistry