- 刷 brush
- 刷卡 punch the card
- 毛刷 brush
- 雨刷 screen wiper
- 初始边框的Size。 The Size of the initial bounding rectangle.
- 刷卡机 imprinter
- 将Point平移给定Size。 Translates a Point by a given Size.
- 将Point平移给定Size的负数。 Translates a Point by the negative of a given Size.
- 刷毛 brush of kernel
- Size,它指定新Point的坐标。 A Size that specifies the coordinates for the new Point.
- 刷漆 lacquering
- 返回此Size结构的哈希代码。 Returns a hash code for this Size structure.
- 钢丝刷 wire brush
- 减法运算符左侧的Size结构。 The Size structure on the left side of the subtraction operator.
- 刷卡,划卡 to punch the card; to stamp the card
- 相等运算符右侧的Size结构。 The Size structure on the right of the equality operator.
- 刷墙 whitewash a wall
- 减法运算符右侧的Size结构。 The Size structure on the right side of the subtraction operator.
- data size,使你的数据尽可能小 Data size, Make Your Data as Small as Possible
- 她用硬毛刷清洗水槽。 She cleaned the sink with a stiff brush.