- 冶 smelt
- pattern makers shrinkage 模型收缩公差
- sulfur crack(焊接缺陷) 硫裂
- dry shrinkage (混凝土木材等由于水分挥发而收缩) 干缩
- star crack (玻璃制品表面缺陷) 星状裂纹
- 商品损失(Shrinkage)是零售业对有人在店内行窃的委婉说辞。 Shrinkage is the retail trade's euphemism for shoplifting.
- heat treatment crack (所产生的) 热处理裂纹
- chevron crack (圆断面坯料拔长时形成的) 中心裂纹
- 一般认为“crack”是“cocaine”的派生词。 "Crack" is often described as a derivative of cocaine.
- 矿冶 mining and metallurgy
- 一个无党派的统冶者或者首领(特别是在非洲和阿拉伯半岛)。 an independent ruler or chieftain (especially in Africa or Arabia).
- 这种毒品的叫法五花八门,有人称为crack,也有人叫它freebase。 The drug is variously known as crack or freebase.
- 冶容诲淫 Seductive looks incite to wantonness; Bewtiching countenance incites lust; dress prettily invites adultery; Ogling looks induce to wantonness
- [冶]超耐热合金 superalloy
- 宾冶 punch
- 中南矿冶学院 Central-South China Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
- 冶监 TANG-SONG:Foundry Directorate
- 锻冶煤 smithing coal
- 坑冶司 Foundry (a local agency staffed with nonofficial technicians)
- 伍尔坎火与锻冶之神 The god of fire and metalworking.