- 冶 smelt
- mean k-means
- K-mean算法 K-mean
- mean-shift算法 mean-shift algorithm
- 初始边框的Size。 The Size of the initial bounding rectangle.
- mean-shift方法 mean-shift algorithm
- 将Point平移给定Size。 Translates a Point by a given Size.
- 矿冶 mining and metallurgy
- mean-shift跟踪 mean-shift tracking
- 将Point平移给定Size的负数。 Translates a Point by the negative of a given Size.
- 一个无党派的统冶者或者首领(特别是在非洲和阿拉伯半岛)。 an independent ruler or chieftain (especially in Africa or Arabia).
- Size,它指定新Point的坐标。 A Size that specifies the coordinates for the new Point.
- Mean-Variance-Skewness模型 Mean-Variance-Skewness model
- 冶容诲淫 Seductive looks incite to wantonness; Bewtiching countenance incites lust; dress prettily invites adultery; Ogling looks induce to wantonness
- 返回此Size结构的哈希代码。 Returns a hash code for this Size structure.
- [冶]超耐热合金 superalloy
- 减法运算符左侧的Size结构。 The Size structure on the left side of the subtraction operator.
- 宾冶 punch
- 相等运算符右侧的Size结构。 The Size structure on the right of the equality operator.
- 在视觉跟踪领域,Mean Shift算法是一个非常优秀的算法,是国外最近几年才发展起来的。 Mean Shift is a very good algorithm in visual target tracking area.