- 冶 smelt
- (=critical temperature) 临界温度 cirt. temp.
- (=critical) 危急的,极期的,临界的,关键性的 crit.
- 它还让安装运行在critical优先级下,避免不重要的问题。 It also runs the installation at critical priority, which avoids many unimportant questions.
- (=critical fusion frequency(flicker fusion threshold)) 临界融合频率 c.f.f.
- 矿冶 mining and metallurgy
- 一个无党派的统冶者或者首领(特别是在非洲和阿拉伯半岛)。 an independent ruler or chieftain (especially in Africa or Arabia).
- 但CPM(Critical Path Method)进行工序历时估计的单一性使之不容易得到反映实际情况的值; Nevertheless, the simplicity of activity duration estimating in the CPM(Critical Path Method) can hardly engender actual value.
- 冶容诲淫 Seductive looks incite to wantonness; Bewtiching countenance incites lust; dress prettily invites adultery; Ogling looks induce to wantonness
- [冶]超耐热合金 superalloy
- 宾冶 punch
- 假如您的系统只是接近Y2K兼容,百密一疏,只要有一个非Y2K兼容的组件出现错误,而导致您的mission critical关键任务系统失灵,那就功亏一篑了。 The near Y2K compliance of a system is meaningless if the failure of even a single non-Y2K compliant component causes your mission critical system to stop functioning.
- 中南矿冶学院 Central-South China Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
- 冶监 TANG-SONG:Foundry Directorate
- 锻冶煤 smithing coal
- 坑冶司 Foundry (a local agency staffed with nonofficial technicians)
- 伍尔坎火与锻冶之神 The god of fire and metalworking.
- 督冶掾 N-S DIV (Jin): coinage clerk (non-official specialists who supervised the minting of coins in workshop in the subgroups of the dynastic capital)
- 掌冶署 SUI;TANG-SONG:Foundry Office
- 冶具磨床 jig grinding machine