- 军师 counsellor
- Burst模式 Burst pattern
- 军绿 military green
- Burst信号源 Burst signal source
- 领军 leading
- cosmic γ-ray burst 宇宙γ射线爆
- 军演 military exercise
- 读者可参见"center"词条。 The reader is cross-referenced to the entry "center".
- solar γ-ray burst 太阳γ射电暴
- 军曹 choush
- transient γ-ray burst 暂现γ射线暴
- 三军 army; the three armed services
- spider-burst (皮肤毛细管) 蛛状痣
- 华军软件园 Huajun Software Field
- pressure burst= rock burst 岩爆
- 领军人物 leader
- sun burst (锆合金的一种腐蚀破裂形式) 太阳状破裂
- 俄军 Russian army
- 程序刺激结合Burst刺激对上述心房部位进行AF诱发,记录AF的发生率。 AF was induced by programmable stimulation combined with burst stimulation and was recorded on ECG.
- 台军 Taiwan army