- 免 to exempt
- (=male sex chromosome) 男性性染色体 Y chrom.
- 免于 be free of
- 免烫 permanent press
- 免提 hands-free
- ALEX2基因(Arm proteins lost in epithelial cancers,X chromosome,2),属于ALEX家族成员,除ALEX2基因外,该家族还包括ALEX1和ALEX3基因。 ALEX2 (Arm proteins lost in epithelial cancers, X chromosome. 2) is the member of the ALEX family of proteins which includes ALEX1, ALEX2, and ALEX3. Members of the ALEX family of proteins were found to co-localized at the same region in Xq21.33-q22.2 and they all cotain arm repeat domains. Li the N-terminal parts of the proteins they all have putative transmembrane domain.
- 免受 be safe from
- 免赔额 franchise
- 免运费 eight free
- 免收 exempt from
- 免维护 non-maintaining
- 闲人免进 No admittance
- 免赔率 franchise
- 抵免 offset
- 免考 exempt from examination
- 免租期 rent-free period
- 免赔 abatement
- 免息 free of interest (FOI)
- 免修学分 advanced credit
- 免谈 talk about