- [lit] 必然相撞 to be on a collision course
- 必然 necessity
- 相撞 barge against
- 必然的 inevitable
- [lit] 在海上 at sea
- 必然地 consequentially
- [lit] 看得见 in sight
- 连环相撞 pileup
- 必然趋势 inexorable trend
- [lit] 咬紧牙 to grit one's teeth
- [lit] 舔嘴唇 to lick one's lips
- 必然结果 corollary
- 桥上发生了严重的汽车相撞事故。 There was a serious motor smash on the bridge.
- [lit] 做手势 to make a gesture
- 必然联系 necessary connection
- [lit] 打响指 to snap one's fingers
- 船只相撞事件因雾造成。 The collision between the ships was caused by fog.
- 点燃的(或lit)香烟 a lighted (or lit ) cigarette.
- 这两辆卡车面对面地相撞了。 The two trucks crashed head on.
- [lit] 用引号标志 in inverted commas