- 变成瘸子 go [fall] lame
- [horse+] 变成瘸子 to go lame
- 瘸子 gimp
- 只要你paint a horse, If you want a horse
- horses head 挂轮架
- horseshoe hole 马蹄形裂孔
- horses foot oil 马足油
- 水结冰时变成固体。 When water freezes, it becomes solid.
- 哎,His wife is riding a horse. The fisherman goes into the castle.
- 发电机将机械能变成电。 A generator transforms mechanical energy into electricity.
- 瘸子放低了嗓子。 The lame man lowered his voice.
- 'Cart-horse'是'orchestra'的变形词. 'Cart-horse' is an anagram of 'orchestra'.
- 会见变成了愉快的闲聊。 The interview resolved itself into a pleasant chat.
- 它永远都要一瘸一拐的走路,它是个瘸子。 It would always limp. It would always be lame.
- 她看见Ma Liang牵着一匹horse走过来, The little girl is very thirsty.
- 瘸子之乡 The Land of the Halt
- 雪在雨中变成软糊状。 The snow turned to mush in the rain.
- 骑着一匹horse, 把她的pots and bowls 都撞碎了。 Suddenly, a drunken soldier
- 秋天叶子慢慢变成红褐色了。 The leaves slowly rusted in the fall.
- 去呀!喂瘸子! Go it, ye cripples!