- 不计 except
- 计入 reckon in
- 计件 by the job
- WEXP-rule算法 WEXP-rule algorithm
- 准则(Rule) norm
- 液位计 juice level gauge
- 硬度计 sclerometer
- [+rule,law] 违背 in violation of
- 计画 plan
- 所有的提示(rule除外)使你使用CBO。 All hints( except RULE) cause you to use the CBO.
- 时计 hour meter
- 最后,Rule编辑器允许你扩充另外的一些规则。 Finally, the Rule editor enables you to extend the rule set with additional rules.
- 事前计提基金 advanced funding
- 如果找到匹配规则,则将rule中的权限与现有规则合并。 If a matching rule is found, the rights in rule are merged with the existing rule.
- 用计 maneuver
- 体重计 batheroom scales
- 我明白了,rule在这里指的是你玩台球玩得最棒,可以打败任何人。对不对, Absolutely not! I said that I rule the pool table. That means that I am the best at playing pool. I can defeat anyone. Rule, R-U-L-E.L
- 计量器 meter
- 如果尝试删除的规则是绑定的,则将显示错误消息,并取消DROP RULE语句。 If the rule is bound when you try to drop it, an error message is displayed and the DROP RULE statement is canceled.
- 忽略不计 ignore