- 不计 except
- 计入 reckon in
- 计件 by the job
- 液位计 juice level gauge
- S7-Graph S7-Graph
- 硬度计 sclerometer
- (=solution) 凝固,固化 soln.
- GRAPH曲线 GRAPH curve
- liposynⅡ solution 乐补欣输液
- 计画 plan
- dobell’s solution 复方硼砂溶液
- 时计 hour meter
- 更改Microsoft Graph中的默认图表类型 Change the default chart type in Microsoft Graph
- Hayems solution 海姆氏液
- 事前计提基金 advanced funding
- torsional stiffness graph (车身的) 扭转
- (=saturated solution) 饱和溶液 sat.sol.
- 用计 maneuver
- 体重计 batheroom scales
- 计量器 meter