- [英方]月亮 parish lantern
- [英方]蒲公英 thepriest's Crown
- 英方 Britain side
- [英方]小门 kissing gate
- [英方]急忙走开 clink down [ off ]
- 北京英方日用塑胶制品有限公司。 Beijing Ying Fang Plastic Product Co., Ltd.
- 对此,我们还是应该向英方说谢谢的。 On this account, we should still be thankful to the British side.
- 鸦片战争前夕英方对华“沉默政策”析 On the British"Reticent Policy"towards China on the Eve of the Opium War
- 英方的这次介入可能有助于她的获救。 This British intervention may have helped save her.
- 到达伦敦希思罗机场,由英方安排大巴送至寄宿家庭晚上与寄宿家庭会面 Day one Arrival London Heathrow airport, transfer to school and host families EVE - meet host families
- BBC记者收到消息说,英方人员可能被关押在德黑兰;但此事没有被证实。 BBC News has reported that the personnel are being held in Tehran, though this has not been confirmed.
- 然后英方又以炮火对敌不断猛轰,西班牙舰船被狂风暴雨打散进入北海,被迫逃往苏格兰且兵力大减。 The Spanish came under relentless gunfire and were scattered into the North Sea by the tremendous storms. They were forced to flee around Scotland where their numbers were depleted by the storms.
- 由两名中方成员和一名英方成员组成面试小组的做法以前比较普遍,现在渐渐减少了。 Panels with two Chinese and one expatriate used to be more common, but are becoming less common
- 英方专家希望就生物可再生能源的研究,开发和产业发展等前沿问题与中方科研机构代表进行交流。 The British experts expected to communicate with Chinese counterparts from research institutions on the issues of research, development and industrialisation of biological renewable energy.
- 学员的考试及作业可能被英国威尔士大学抽查,届时学员需提供英方认可的英文版本作业及考试卷。 Student s'assignments and examination papers might be sampled for review by UOW, by the time they have to provide the English versions of assignment and examination papers.
- 1921年,英格鲁(英国人)-爱尔兰人条约(简称“英爱条约”)在英方和爱方代表之间于伦敦签署。 The Anglo-Irish Treaty is signed in London by British and Irish representatives.
- 到了英国之后,英方提供的支持包括接机、安排住宿、英语语言和学业方面的帮助,以及组织社交和联谊活动。 Ongoing support in the UK includes airport pickup, accommodation, English and academic support as well as social and networking activities.
- 宁波众联钢结构有限公司是一家由美方,英方,加拿大方,和澳大利亚方投资的全外资的新公司,位于宁波北仑经济开发区。 Ningbo Zhong Lian Steel Structure Company Ltd. (NSS), a new venture company located in NETD BeiLun Ningbo, and invested by United States, United Kindom, Canada, and Australia.
- 甚至还有些叫人笑弯腰的话,如:“我是一个规划好的人”、“我愿意在不同的领域曝光”(这两句都是在面试中确实听到的话),也常使英方成员忍俊不禁,而中方成员则没有反应。 Even such rib-ticklers as "I am a well-planned person "and "I would like to expose myself in another field"(both actually heard at interviews) tended to cause lip-biting among the expatriate rather than the Chinese interviewers.
- 在渤海地区使用英方的麦克莱斯取样器及麦克莱斯小取样器以及中方的重力活塞取样器,在渤海中央盆地获取了JX91-2A和JX91-2B,在黄河三角洲外莱州湾西侧取得了JX91-3m,JX91-3A,JX91-3B和JX91-4G。 In the Bohai Sea area, using the British Mackereth type corer and the mini corer, together with the Chinese piston gravity corer, we have taken JX91-2A and JX91-2B from the Central Basin , and JX91-3m, JX91-3A, JX91-3B and JX91-4G in the western Laizhou Bay outside the Huanghe River Delta.