- 经 scripture
- 经期 menstrual period
- 心经 heart channel
- 经编 warp knitting
- (=cycle) 周期,循环 cyc.
- 道德经 Classic of the Virtue of the Tao
- 光纤级P-Cycle fiber-level P-Cycle
- 经授权的 authorized
- Bruckner cycle 勃吕克纳循环
- 经书 Confucian classics
- Cycle-Spinning Cycle-Spinning
- 绝经 menostasia
- uni-cycle (玩具) 独轮车
- 爱经 Kamasutra
- γ-glutamyl cycle γ-谷氨酰循环
- 五经 the five classics
- Krebs cycle 克雷布氏循环
- 外经 foreign economic relations
- α-glycerophosphate cycle α-甘油磷酸循环
- 经向 warp direction