- 经 scripture
- “片言只字的实情远比an outright porky有效。” "A fragment of the truth can be miles more effective than an outright porky."
- buying for resale (即用以再出售的采购) 销售采购
- 经期 menstrual period
- buying for ultimate consumption (即消费者的采购) 消费采购
- 如果有入问你,“What is your spot dollar mark outright tomorrow?” So someone can ask @What is your spot dollar mark outright tomorrow?
- 这双鞋有点挤。Buying and Talking Hats 买帽谈帽用语 They pinch a little.
- 心经 heart channel
- 经编 warp knitting
- 道德经 Classic of the Virtue of the Tao
- 经授权的 authorized
- 经书 Confucian classics
- 绝经 menostasia
- 爱经 Kamasutra
- 五经 the five classics
- 外经 foreign economic relations
- 经向 warp direction
- 经停 stop over
- 不经 without
- 经痛 menstrual colic