- 秽 dirt
- mean k-means
- 自惭形秽 have a feeling of inferiority or inadequacy
- K-mean算法 K-mean
- mean-shift算法 mean-shift algorithm
- mean-shift方法 mean-shift algorithm
- 执行此查询至少需要对Person.Address表的CONTROL权限。 Executing this query requires, at a minimum, CONTROL permission on the Person.Address table.
- mean-shift跟踪 mean-shift tracking
- 犯人口出秽言。 The criminal used vile language.
- 如图30所示,Company no 0001的Contact Person列已经被更新。 As shown in Figure 30, the Contact Person column for Company no 0001 has been updated.
- Mean-Variance-Skewness模型 Mean-Variance-Skewness model
- [person+] 走运 to be lucky
- 秽物污秽或令人恶心的东西 Something filthy or disgusting.
- [+person] 具有 to be provided with
- 小杰克口出秽言。 Little Jack used vile language.
- [+person] 糊涂 to get confused
- 秽德 immoral conduct; abominable behaviour
- [person+] 上网 to go online
- 在视觉跟踪领域,Mean Shift算法是一个非常优秀的算法,是国外最近几年才发展起来的。 Mean Shift is a very good algorithm in visual target tracking area.
- 秽气 stink; bad smell