- 法 law
- 无法 unable
- 用法 usage
- 说法 statement
- “抵押”(mortgage)指根据本部注册的抵押; """mortgage"" means a mortgage registered under this Part;"
- 输入法 input method
- 我说:“He has been there once”。这样讲是不是正确? I said,"He has been there once" . Was that right?
- "我说,""He has been there once. ""这样讲是不是正确?" "I say, "he has been there once. "be that right ? "
- 除法 division
- 我说:“He has been there once”,这样讲是不是正确? I said, "He has been there once."Was that right?
- 分析法 analytical method
- 商法 commercial law
- 世界排名第一的自行车选手法国人罗兰.亚拉博特和他所在的Once车队一起退出了大赛。 World champion Frenchman Roland Yalabot and his Once team dropped out.
- 行政法 administrative law
- 宾夕法尼亚 Pennsylvania
- 读法 pronunciation
- 法轮功 Falun Gong Cult
- 法门 method
- 没法 cannot
- 玩法 playing method