- 旧 old (opposite of new)
- 旧版 old version
- (=practical) 实践的,实际的 pract.
- 旧的 old
- 籀(writing)籀 develop
- 楷(writing)凯 triumphant
- 更多权威的信息,请参阅LDP CD-Writing-HOWTO。 For the most authoritative information, see the LDP CD-Writing-HOWTO.
- 新旧 new and old
- writ 是 writes、writing 和 written 三个词的词干。 'Writ' is the stem of the forms 'writes', 'writing' and 'written'.
- 以旧换新 old-for-new service
- 写作(writing)是初中英语教学的一个重要的组成部分。 Writing is an important part in junior English language learning and teaching (ELT).
- 用旧 outwear
- 运行此示例时,请注意每个编写器的“Start Writing”和“Stop Writing”输出将接连发生。 When running the sample, notice that the Start Writing and Stop Writing output for each writer occurs successively.
- 在旧政权下妇女不能选举。 Under the old regime women could not vote.
- 他逛了一家旧书店。 He poked about in a second-hand bookstore.
- 老旧 old
- 旧的或者古老的 Old or venerable.
- 研讨会旨在改革旧的封闭式的评价制度,从而建立新的教育评价体系。 The purpose of this seminar is to reform the old closed system so as to establish the new system of educational assessment.
- 他喜欢摆弄旧钟和引擎。 He likes to monkey with old clocks and engines.
- 我们出最高价收购旧汽车。 We pay top prices for used cars.