- 医保 medical insurance
- 医改 medical reform
- 讳疾忌医 conceal one's faults for fear of criticism
- BASE方案 BASE program
- 医者 doctor
- Host-Base Host-Base
- 学医 study medicine
- BS↓L base (=breath sounds diminished, left base) 左肺底呼吸音减低
- GKD-Base内核 GKD-Base Kernel
- 病急乱投医 turn to any doctor one can find when critically ill - try anything when in a desperate situation
- Shiriya base-Ⅰ 支利井碱
- 女医 woman physician
- Base-Seal固化剂 Base-Seal stabilizer
- 医神 Aesculapius
- base)微量热法 Microcalorimetric
- 她打算学医。 The destination of her study is medicine.
- shimoburo base-Ⅰ 华北乌头碱Ⅰ
- 艾伦把奄奄一息的妻子带去看另一位医生,那是在把死马当活马医。 Alan was clutching at straws when he took his dying wife to another doctor.
- BaSe的准粒子能带结构 GW quasiparticle band structure of BaSe