- 医保 medical insurance
- Florida 美国佛罗里达州 Fla.
- 他到Florida看过祖母和我 He visited with Grandma and me in Florida
- 医改 medical reform
- [美]佛罗里达州(florida)别名 the Peninsular State
- 这是我祖父 他住在florida。 Here's my grandfather. He lives in Florida.
- 讳疾忌医 conceal one's faults for fear of criticism
- 医者 doctor
- 学医 study medicine
- 病急乱投医 turn to any doctor one can find when critically ill - try anything when in a desperate situation
- 我们对造成这些差异的可能因素做了分析。 在Borstel和Florida二组动物中,眼内病变为轻度者分别为82%与87%,为重度者各为18%与13%。 For the Borstel and Florida groups, the percentage of animals with mild lesions were 82%25 and 87%25, and those with severe lesions were 18%25 and 13%25 respectively.
- 女医 woman physician
- 医神 Aesculapius
- 她打算学医。 The destination of her study is medicine.
- 艾伦把奄奄一息的妻子带去看另一位医生,那是在把死马当活马医。 Alan was clutching at straws when he took his dying wife to another doctor.
- 马医 horse doctor
- 医患关系 relationship between doctors and patients
- 医患 doctors and patients
- 医保制度改革 reform of medical insurance system; medical insurance reform
- 导医 provide medical advice