- 化 to make into
- 最小化 minimum
- 模块化 modularize
- 酸化 acidification
- N2 、H2 和CO2 在膜内渗透由Knudsen扩散控制 ,H2 O N2 分离因子均大于Knudsen扩散值 ,表现出良好的亲水性 . The permeability of N-2,H-2 and CO-2 across the membrane were controlled by Knudsen diffusion,and the memebrane exhibited outstanding hydrophilicity since their permeation coefficients of H-2O/N-2 are higher than the Knudsen diffusion values.
- 根据自然界中的气体扩散现象,提出了一种新的负载均衡路由算法-GD (Gas diffusion based routing algorithm)。 To solve this problem, two new routing algorithms were presented for DIN, GD (Gas Diffusion based routing algorithm) which was inspired from the gas diffusion phenomenon in the nature and FOA (Forward-only Agent routing algorithm) which is an intelligent algorithm based on swarm intelligence.
- 钝化 passivation
- 可视化 visualization(-sat-)
- 钢化 steel
- 归一化 normalize
- 雾化 pulverization
- 氢化 hydrogen sulfide
- 碳化 carbonize
- 会计电算化 accounting computerization
- 最佳化 optimization
- 实例化 instantiation
- 纤维化 fibrosis
- 教化 civilize
- 差异化 differentiation
- 酯化 esterify