- 化 to make into
- 最小化 minimum
- 从Arrhenius关系得到的迁移活化能为36.6kJ/mol。 The activation energy of transport is 36. 6kJ/mol according to Arrhenius equation.
- 模块化 modularize
- 表观黏度略有增加,其对温度的依赖性符合Arrhenius-Eyring方程。 the apparent visconsity increases slightly, the dependence of which on temperature is consisted with Arrhenius-Eyring equation.
- 酸化 acidification
- 钝化 passivation
- 可视化 visualization(-sat-)
- 钢化 steel
- 归一化 normalize
- 雾化 pulverization
- 氢化 hydrogen sulfide
- 碳化 carbonize
- 会计电算化 accounting computerization
- 最佳化 optimization
- 实例化 instantiation
- 纤维化 fibrosis
- 教化 civilize
- 差异化 differentiation
- 酯化 esterify