- I split apart a pair of chopsticks. 我拆开一双筷子。
- The sky split apart, and the God of War stepped through. 天空从中裂开,战争之神从中现身。
- No one is willing to see that country split apart by war. 没人愿意看见国土四分五裂。
- And as for that plan: they are about to be split apart by mistrust and discord. 根据我的计划:他们会被互相的猜疑和意见不合搅得乱七八糟。
- Comets split apart occasionally,but no other comet on record has thoroughly disintegrated,as C/LINEAR did. 慧星偶尔会分裂,但在记载中没有任何一颗慧星象C/LINEAR那样完全瓦解。
- The mountains melt beneath him and the valleys split apart, like wax before the fire, like water rushing down a slope. 众山在他以下必消化,诸谷必崩裂,如蜡化在火中,如水冲下山坡。
- Perhaps another army, split apart like this behind the enemy's lines, would have become demoralized and disintegrated. 如果换一支别的军队,也像这样分散于敌后,就根可能会丧失士气,归于瓦解。
- Comets split apart occasionally, but no other comet on record has thoroughly disintegrated, as C/LINEAR did. 慧星偶尔会分裂,但在记载中没有任何一颗慧星象C/linear那样完全瓦解。
- And the mountain town, almost split apart by the wrath of His Mightiness, awaited the storm that might come in no time. 亿万道电光在云端疾走,交锋,搏斗,激起一片震天动地的雷声,仿佛要把这座山城炸开。一场暴雨随时等候着雷公的派遣。
- OPEC looked as if it might split apart, and as the crisis deepened, it showed how oil had seeped into every corner of the world economy. 这一年结束的时候,情况依然如故。 石油输出国组织看上去似乎要四分五裂,而随着危机深化,情况表明石油已经渗入世界经济的每一角落。
- Also, the altar was split apart and its ashes poured out according to the sign given by the man of God by the word of the Lord. 坛也破裂了,坛上的灰倾撒了,正如神人奉耶和华的命所设的预兆。
- All tones are holographic and within all tones are all other tones that when refracted or split apart will be perceived. 所有音调都是全息的,当被检验或分解时将可以看到所有音调内部都有所有其他的音调。
- When a cell needs to make new proteins, the helix untwists and the rungs split apart so the cell's machinery can read the code. 当细胞需要制造新蛋白质时,双螺旋就拆解开来,其中的横梯也一分为二,让细胞里的装置可以读取编码。
- A ragged looking boy, he was decked out in oversized hand-me-down clothes and worn-out shoes that split apart at the seams. 他衣衫蓝缕-身着二手的衣服因过大而不合身,脚穿破旧的鞋子接缝处开了线。
- And at this point, the question is whether we will move forward together or split apart, whether we prefer posturing to action. 在这个关头,问题在于我们是共同奋进,还是分道扬镳;我们是故作姿态,还是身体力行。
- The long-term challenge is dealing with the actinides, materials created when uranium absorbs a neutron but refuses to split apart. 长期面临的难题是对锕系元素的处理,这种物质是铀吸收中子产生的,并且难以裂变。
- After dominating much of the past two millenniums in science and philosophy, they've spent the past 100 years being invaded, split apart and 1) patronizingly lectured by the West. 中国曾经在科学与哲学领域雄霸世界将近两千年,然而在过去的100年里,却饱受西方列强的侵略和割据,被迫卑躬曲膝。
- The hydrogen and oxygen atoms in water can be easily and cleanly split apart by electrolysis, ideally using electricity from clean sources, such as solar panels and wind turbines. 通过电解,水中的氢原子和氧原子很容易就分开了,而且可以利用太阳能及风能发电完美地实现清洁化。
- A division containing a single seed that splits apart from a many-lobed fruit. 小干果包含从许多有裂片的果实分开的单个种子的部
- The old farm has been split up into house lots. 这古老的农场已被划分为一块块的宅地。