- This place doesn't have a very savory reputation. 这个地方的名声可不太好。
- They shun personal fame and gains. 他们不计个人名利。
- One bad deed can blemish a good reputation. 一次不良的行为可损害好的名声。
- He won a lasting place in the actor's Hall of Fame. 他在演剧界享有无可动摇的地位。
- His failures did his reputation a lot of harm. 他屡次失败使他的声誉受到很大损害。
- Many great men rose from obscurity to fame. 许多伟人都是从卑微变得有名望的。
- His reputation was blighted by his bad behavior. 他的名誉为他的行为不检所毁。
- She has always been desirous of fame. 她一直想成名。
- The actress won overnight fame with her first film. 这个女演员的第一部电影使她一举成名。
- He earned a high reputation for his learning. 他在学识方面享有很高的声誉。
- His fame resounded all over the world. 他名扬全球。
- He soon won a reputation for himself. 他很快就成名了。
- His mind was blind by wealth and fame. 他的心智为名利蒙蔽。
- He did incalculable harm to her reputation. 他严重损害了她的声誉。
- His work obtained him great fame. 他的研究工作使他博得盛名。
- This place doesn't have a very savoury reputation. 这个地方的名声可不太好。
- He runs after fame rather than wealth. 他追求名而不追求利。
- He trades on his father's reputation. 他用他父亲的名誉牟利。
- The fame to which Mr Hastings aspired was quite beyond his reach. 黑斯廷斯先生渴求的名望并非能获得。
- He has a good reputation as a physician. 他是位享有名的内科医师。