- Zardari, widower of slain former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, told the Chinese state news agency Xinhua on the eve of his trip.'A strong China means a strong Pakistan. 他在访华前夕接受中国官方媒体新华社采访时说,中国是世界的未来,一个强大的中国意味着一个强大的巴基斯坦。
- Chinese state media report that a former national lawmaker has been sentenced to death for raping more than 20 middle school girls over a period of two years. 据中国官方媒体报导,一名前全国人大代表因为在两年期间强奸了20多名中学女生而被判处死刑。
- Chinese state media are reporting that two former Bank of China managers and their wives have been found guilty of money laundering and racketeering by a court in the United States. 中国官方媒体报导说,两名前中国银行经理和他们的妻子被美国一家法庭认定犯有洗钱罪和诈骗罪。
- But how could a foreigner penetrate the surface, to seesintosthe Chinese state of mind? 但是一个外国人又如何能够透过表面现象来看到中国人的内心呢?
- Chinese state media report China and the Vatican have discussed normalizing diplomatic relations. 中国媒体报导说,中国和梵蒂冈讨论了双方外交关系正常化问题。
- Chinese state media say trade with Ghana has increased from76 million dollars in1995 to760 million dollars last year. 中国官方媒体报导说,中国与加纳的贸易从1995年的7600万美元增加到去年的7亿6千万美元。
- Chinese state television showed excited spectators waving flags and cheering for the torch. 中国官方电视台播放了激动的观众挥舞旗帜,为火炬欢呼的镜头。
- Various Chinese state investment funds have bought chunks of Blackstone, Morgan Stanley and Barclays. 中国的国家投资基金已收购了黑石集团、摩根士丹利和巴克莱银行的股权。
- Meanwhile Chinese state media has signalled that a rethink may be in order due to the protest. 与此同时,中国国家媒体也标志着一个重新思考,可能在为了因抗议。
- A shared characteristic on Shanghai's dazzling cityscape: seed money from Chinese state owned banks and companies. 上海令人眩目的城市风景拥有一个共同的特症:资金都来自于中国国有银行和企业。
- Chinese state councilor Dai Bingguo confers with Hillary Clinton on Tuesday at the U.S. State Department. 中国政府代表戴秉国于周二在美国政府同希拉里克林顿共同商讨事宜。
- Chinese state councilor Dai Bingguo confers with Hillary Clinton on Tuesday at the U. 周二中国国务委员戴秉国在美国国务院与克林顿。
- Chinese state councillor Tang Jiaxuan reiterated Beijing's strong support for Chief Executive Tung Chee-hwa on Friday. 国务委员唐家璇重申中国政府会全力支持董建华/挺董。
- He also says it is one of the most open and speedy responses to an emergency he has ever seen from Chinese state media. 他还说中国媒体对此的反应是他所见过的最为公开和迅速的紧急事件反应。
- A tendency to revert to a former state. 反动希望回到过去状态的趋势
- Chinese state councillor Tang Jiaxuan reiteratedBeijing's strong su ort for Chief Executive Tung Chee-hwa on Friday. 国务委员唐家璇重申中国政府会全力支持董建华/挺董。
- Officials say the agreements were reached Friday during a visit to Hanoi by Chinese State Councilor Dai Bingguo. 有关官员说,中国国务委员戴秉国访问河内期间达成了协议。
- The man slit his former sweetheart up. 那人故意伤了他昔日的情人。
- Mr. Heath is the former Prime Minister of Britain. 希思先生是英国前任首相。
- Chinese state media say brick kilns and mines found to be using slave labor illegally used more than53- thousand migrant workers. 中国国家媒体说,被发现非法使用奴工的砖窑和矿井非法使用了5万3千多名来自外地民工。