- One Seat on VoC Board of Directors. 获得董事会里一个位置。
- The paints used in renovations will release less VOC. 管制了油漆涂料,装修就会减少释放。
- And printing inks and printing machines will also release less VOC. 印墨与印刷机也一样。
- Purify NOx, SOx, Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and various bad odor. 净化氧化氮、氧化硫、挥发性的氧化物和各种恶臭气味。
- Another significant source of VOC emission is crude oil tanking. 另一种挥发性有机物来源是原油车罐。
- One, of coating always organic volatilize quantity (VOC) . 一、涂料的总有机挥发量(VOC)。
- VOC Does not contain. It is a 100% solids epoxy product. 挥发性有机化合物无,100%25固含量环氧产品。
- Bio-degradation model of VOCs in bio-trickling reactor and its application. 生物滴滤塔中挥发性有机物降解模型及应用。
- Gas chromatograph is often used to survey concentration for VOCs of indoor air. 气相色谱仪是检测室内挥发性有机物浓度常用仪器。
- The worldwide trend is toward increasing stringency of VOC regulations. 而在全球范围内控制VOC的排放也是大势所趋。
- The construction of courses should emphasize the unification of voc... 建立与素质教育理念相一致的评价与考试制度。
- VOCs are believed to be a major cause of headaches, stress, lethargy, sore eyes and respiratory problems. VOCs被认为是导致头疼、压力、无精打采、眼睛酸痛和呼吸系统问题的主要原因。
- The Produce Mechanism and Prevention of VOCs Larix Gmelini Rupr-wood During Drying. 兴安落叶松干燥过程中VOCs产生机理及防治。
- Carpeting, vinyl tiles and wall coverings that minimize off gassing of VOCs must be used in areas where records are regularly present. 如果某档案存在区域一定要用地毯、地面革和墙饰,那么一定要选择有机物挥发性最低的商品。
- The preparation of VOCs liquid CRMs and the optimum conditions of making the preference tube of VOCs was studied. 另外,根据检测需要,配制了VOCs液态标准物质,研究了制作标准系列管的最佳条件。
- The GCMS-TD creates a breath profile that allows scientists to identify VOCs that may signify the presence of disease. GCMS-TD创建一个呼气概图,让科学家们来确定可以诊断出疾病是否存在的VOC。
- VOCs are generated from cleaning with organic solvents and aqueous cleaners that contain organic solvents. VOC主要产生于采用有机溶剂或采用含有机溶剂的水清洗剂的清洗过程。
- VOCs are sometimes accidentally released into the environment, where they can damage soil and groundwater. 挥发性有机物偶然进入环境时,会破坏那里的土壤和地下水。
- Results: Fifty-four of VOCs are separated completely from each other and simultaneously identified and quantified. 结果:所有组分彼此完全分离,能同时予以定性确认和定量分析;
- Conclusion The pollution of VOCs and aldehyde ketones in indoor air is ubiquity in newly-built. 空气中甲醛随使用时间的延长呈现伴夏季升高的螺旋样下降趋势;