- (=solution) 凝固,固化 soln.
- 凝固 (v) congeal; solidify
- 凝固的 caky
- liposynⅡ solution 乐补欣输液
- dobell’s solution 复方硼砂溶液
- (=solidification) 凝固,固化 solidif.
- Hayems solution 海姆氏液
- 固化石蜡 solidified paraffin
- 凝固剂 coagulator
- (=saturated solution) 饱和溶液 sat.sol.
- 固化刺 curing agent
- 那水泥已经凝固了。 The cement has already set.
- 固化板 cured panel
- (=physiological(saline)solution) 生理盐水溶液 phys. sol.
- 固化率 curing rate
- 果冻搀水太多就凝固不好了。 You won't get a good set if you put too much water in the jelly.
- (=buffered Ringer's solution) 林格(氏)缓冲液 BFR sol.
- 双固化 dual - curing
- 果冻冷了就凝固。 Jelly solidifies as it gets cold.
- Project Server 2007为EPM Solution提供核心服务。 Project Server 2007 provides the core services for the EPM Solution.