- 我国有354种珍稀植物濒危。 In our country 354 species of rare plants are on the brink of extinction (or are dying out).
- 354型警戒雷达无回波故障剖析 Analysis to fault of 354 warning radar without echo wave
- 238名护理毕业生择业心态调查 A Survey of State of Mind in Choosing Profession of 238 Graduated Nursing Students
- 鼓室成形术238耳临床疗效分析 Evaluation of tym panoplasty: A reportof 238 ears
- 暂居第三位的津巴布韦选手斯·埃万的总成绩为354·39分。 The competitor from zimbabwe, Si Aiwan, who is temporarily in third place, has a total score of 354.39 points
- 238例复治肺结核病人耐药状况分析 Analysis of drug resistance in 238 retreated smear-positive and sputum-culture-positive pulmonary tuberculosis cases
- 这颗小行星需要花238年绕太阳运行一周。 This asteroid takes 238 years to orbit the sun.
- 这个新厂包括三个长度达354英尺的单火源、单层窖,一个同样长度的双层在烧制窖。 "This new plant contains three one-fire, single deck kilns, 354' long and one double deck refire kiln, equally as long. "
- 信贷资金238.38亿元,占全国的37.8%。 23.838 billion yuan in credit funds constitute 37.8 percent of the nation's total.
- 目前,中国已有612种国家级珍稀濒危动植物被列为重点保护对象,其中野生动物258个种和种群、植物354种; Currently, there are 612 national-level rare and endangered species of flora and fauna listed as key protection species, including 258 species of wild animals and 354 species of plants.
- 活收散治疗萎缩性胃炎238例临床观察 A Clinical Observation on the 238 Cases of Atrophy Gastritis Tneated by "HuoShou San
- 238型自动络筒机的常见故障及解决措施 Common Faults and Corresponding Measures of Autoconer 238 Automatic Winder
- 克利夫兰美国田纳西州东南部,查塔努加东北偏东的一座城市,是一个有多种工业的贸易中心。人口30,354 a city of southeast Tennessee east-northeast of Chattanooga. It is a trade center with varied industries. Population,30,354.
- 本文通过各项统计表明,德系安哥拉公、母兔体重与产毛量间的关系不同。 体重与产毛量的相关系数,公兔0.223、母兔0.354。 An investigation of the German angora rabbits bred on our college farm showed that the correlation of adult body weight with wool production is differ- ent between two sexes:0.223 for the bucks and 0.354 for the does.
- 这颗小行星需要花238 年绕太阳运行一周。 This asteroid takes 238 years to orbit the sun.
- 铀235、铀238和铀239是铀的三种同位素。 U235,U238,and U239 are three isotopes of uranium.
- 另参见"赫德森保护自然风景区会议诉联邦动力委员会" 案[ 《联邦判例汇编》第二辑,第 354卷,第608、616页(第二巡回法庭,1965)]。 See also Scenic Hudson Preservation Conference v. FPC, 354 F.2d 608, 616 (2d Cir.1965).
- 238例心脏直视术后病人间断减压吸痰的研究 A Survey of Intermittent Decompression Sputum Aspiration in 238 Cases of Post-surgical Patients Underwent Cardiac Operation Under Direct Vision
- 结果表明:塞北兔6月龄体重与体长、胸围、耳长、耳宽的相关系数依次为0.730、0.736、0.465、0.354,通径系数依次为0.526、0.535、0.264、-0.148; The results showed that the correlative coefficients between weight and body length ,chest girth,ear length , ear width were 0.730,0.736,0.465 and 0.354 reparately.