- 160/230/352毫米Schmidt望远镜的设计和制造 THE DESIGN AND MANUFACTURE OF 160/230/352 mm SCHMIDT TELESCOPE
- 杂交中籼稻天丰优269的选育与应用 Breeding and Application of a Neu Medium Indica Hybrid Rice Combination Tianfengyou 269
- 269例呼吸道感染病原菌分布及耐药性分析 Distribution and drug resistance to drugs of pathogenic bacteria in 269 respiratory tract infections
- 进口269.9亿美元,比去年同期增长28.9%。 Imports registered at US%2426.99 billion, indicating an increase of 28.9 percent.
- 方法选取某化纤企业352名噪声和高温作业人员为观察组,263名同厂非噪声和高温作业人员为对照组,采用现场调查、环境监测和职业性体检的方法进行现场和健康情况的调查。 [Methods] 352 noise and heat-exposed workers in a chemical fiber enterprise were taken as the observation group and 263 non noise and heat-exposed workers in the same factory were taken as the control group.
- 269例器质性脑病后遗瘫痪颈总动脉给药观察 Observation for Intra-common Carotid Artery Administration on 269 Cases with Cerebral Paralysis
- 2001年,信保局录得受保出口总值达269.1亿元,比去年同期增加1%。 The corporation's total insured business in 2001 amounted to %2426.91 billion,representing an increase of 1 percent on the previous corresponding period.
- 在他穿上洋基队球服的期间,雨刷伯一共击出76支全垒打贡献了269分打点。 In his three seasons in pinstripes, Sheffield hit 76 home runs and collected 269 RBIs.
- 广播电视界的行贿受贿〉,《法与经济学期刊》1979年10月第22期2号269-328页. Coase, Ronald. "Payola in Radio and Television Broadcasting." The Journal of Law and Economics, v. 22, no. 2, October 1979, 269-328.
- 急诊手术55例,择期手术341例; Billroth I式手术127例,II式手术269例。 127 cases with Billroth I and 269 cases with Billroth II, Fifty five cases were emergent and 341 cases elec- tive.
- 在联合269赛车比赛获胜后,克莱斯勒和奔驰合作,两年后成为今天的奔驰公司. The Merger. After winning a combined 269 races, Daimler Motoren Gesellschaft and Benz &Cie. co-ordinate their production activities and two years later merged into present day Mercedes Benz.
- 人类牙根:结构非均向性与维克微硬度等向性〉刊于《连结组织研究》39,4(1998):269-79. Wang, R., and S. Weiner. "Human root dentin: structural anisotropy and Vickers microhardness isotropy." Connect Tissue Res. 39, 4 (1998): 269-79.
- 坐落于加利弗尼亚旧金山的圣瑞吉斯博物塔饭店,预计它将拥有269间客房和102所私人公寓。 Regis Museum Tower Hotel in San Francisco, California which is expected to have approximately 269 rooms and 102 condominiums.
- 人类牙根:结构非均向性与维克微硬度等向性〉《连结组织研究》39,4(1998):269-79. Wang, R., and S. Weiner. "Human root dentin: structural anisotropy and Vickers microhardness isotropy." Connect Tissue Res. 39, 4 (1998): 269-79.
- 我们也不像有的国家那样胡作非为,借口保卫神圣的领空,竟然击落客机,断送客机上269人的无辜性命。 Nor do we commit wanton acts, such as shooting 269 innocent people out of the sky for the so-called cause of sacred airspace
- 分析表明,急剧而强烈的淬灭的过程主要发生在0.269秒这段时间内,它来自激发光对分子的光致裂解。 The quenching mechanism from the emission-induced bre aking of molecular bonds was analyzed.
- 细胞学异常1 436例中,HR-HPV阳性率分别为ASC 28.6%(269/939),LSIL 74.0%(288/389)、HSIL 88.0%(95/105)。 In the 1436 cases,the positive rate of HR-HPV of ASC was 28.6%25(269/939),LSIL 74.0%25(288/389) and HSIL 88.0%25(95/105).
- 方法:运用1:1病例对照研究方法,对269例大肠癌的相关因素进行调查,其数据分别用EPI软件及SAS软件处理。 Metheds 269 cases in 1:1 paired case-control were studied. the data was input the computer and handled by EPI software and SAS software.
- 阚兵,罗锋,雷松,等.用流式细胞术检测肿瘤组织细胞多药耐药基因表达产物[J].华西医科大学学报,1998,29(3):269. Smyth MJ,Krasovskis E,Sutton VR,et al.The drug efflux Pro tein,P-glyoprotein,additiionally protects drug-Resistant tumor cells from multiple forms of caspase-dependenl apoptosis[J].Proc Natl Acad sci USA,1998,95:7024.
- 1983年的今天,冷战中,当大韩航空的商用客机007号进入苏维埃领空后,被苏联喷气式战斗机击落,机上全部269人遇难。 Cold War: Korean Air Flight 007 is shot down by a Soviet Union jet fighter when the commercial aircraft enters Soviet airspace. All 269 on board are killed.