- 系统 system
- 导航 navigation
- "奇异" 导航系统 Gee
- 系统的 systemic
- 导航系统 Loran (long-range navigation)
- 信息系统 information system
- "奇异" 导航系统图 Gee chart
- 奇异导航系统 Gee
- 该公司决定投标导航系统。 The firm decided to bid on the guidance system.
- 摘要导航系统是网络课程设计的重要环节,是评价网络课程的重要指标。 The design of navigation system is the most important process in developing web base course , and the navigation system is the critical estimated part in webbased course too.
- “奇异”无线电导航系统 Gee navigation aid
- 奥米加导航系统 omega
- 奥米伽导航系统 Omega
- "罗兰" 双曲线远程导航系统 Loran
- ρ-θ无线电导航系统 ρ-θ navigation
- 奥米伽远程导航系统 Omega
- 奥米加导航系统工作说明 Omega navigation system operations detail
- 惯性导航系统 inertial navigation system
- "那伐霍" 远程无线电导航系统 navigation and radio homing
- 伏尔塔克导航系统 VHF omnidirectional range and tactical air navigation -VORTAC